In [2]:
%matplotlib inline
from __future__ import division
import scipy
from scipy.stats import binom, uniform
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import as cm
from math import sqrt, pi, exp, log

plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (15.0, 15.0)
plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 10
plt.rcParams[''] = 'sans-serif'
plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['Tahoma']
plt.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 1.5*plt.rcParams['font.size']
plt.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = 1.5*plt.rcParams['font.size']
plt.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = plt.rcParams['font.size']
plt.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 1.5*plt.rcParams['font.size']
plt.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 1.5*plt.rcParams['font.size']
T = 1000
colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, 6))
scipy.set_printoptions(precision = 4, suppress = True)
V = ['0','1','2','3','4','5']
Q = ['-1','0','1']
M = 5

/home/saket/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: axes.color_cycle is deprecated and replaced with axes.prop_cycle; please use the latter.
  warnings.warn(self.msg_depr % (key, alt_key))

In [3]:
def b(x, q):
    p = binom.pmf(x, M, 0.5+0.25*q, loc=0)
    return p

def Yt(q):
    return str(binom.rvs(M, 0.5+0.25*q))

def YtDiscrete(q):
    values = ['-1', '0', '1']
    probabilities = [0.005, 0.005, 0.005]
    for i, x in enumerate(values):
        if x==q:
            probabilities[i] = 0.990            
    return np.random.choice(values, p=probabilities)

def alpha_pass2(O,A,B,PI):
    alpha = [{} for t in range(0,T)]
    c = [0 for t in range(0,T)]
    alpha[0] = {i: PI[i]*B[i][O[0]] for i in Q}
    c[0] = sum(alpha[0].values())    
    alpha[0].update((x, y*c[0]) for x, y in alpha[0].items())
    for t in range(1,T):
        for i in Q:
            alpha[t][i] = sum([A[j][i]*alpha[t-1][i] for j in Q])                
            alpha[t][i] = alpha[t][i]*B[i][yt[t]]
            c[t] = c[t]+alpha[t][i]
        alpha[t].update((x, y*c[t]) for x, y in alpha[t].items())
    return {'alpha': alpha, 'c': c}

def beta_pass2(O,A,B,c):
    beta = [{} for t in range(0,T)]
    beta[T-1] = {i: c[T-1] for i in Q} 
    for t in range(T-2,-1,-1):
        for i in Q:
            beta[t][i] = sum([A[i][j] *B[j][O[t+1]] *beta[t+1][j] for j in Q])
            beta[t][i] = c[t]*beta[t][i]
    return beta

def gamma_pass2(O, A, B, c, al, be):
    gammaij = [{} for t in range(0,T)]
    gamma = [{} for t in range(0,T)]
    for t in range(0,T-1):
        denom = 0
        for i in Q:
            for j in Q:
                denom = denom +  al[t][i]*A[i][j]*B[j][O[t+1]]*be[t+1][j]
        for i in Q:
            gammaij[t][i] =  {}
            for j in Q:
                gammaij[t][i][j] = al[t][i]*A[i][j]*B[j][O[t+1]]*be[t+1][j]/denom
            gamma[t][i] = sum(gammaij[t][i].values())
    denom = sum(alpha[T-1].values())
    for i in Q:
            gamma[T-1][i] = al[T-1][i]/denom

    return {'gamma': gamma, 'gammaij': gammaij}

def viterbi(yt,PI,A,B):
    delta = [{} for t in range(0,T)]
    path = {}
    for q in Q:
        delta[0][q] = log(PI[q])+log(B[q][yt[0]]) 
        path[q] = [q]
    #print path
    for t in range(1,T):
        tempath = {}
        for q in Q:
            (Z, state) =  max(( delta[t-1][x] +log(B[q][yt[t]]) + log(A[x][q]),x) for x in Q)
            delta[t][q] = Z
            tempath[q] = path[state]+[q]
        path = tempath
        #print path
    (p, state) = max((delta[T-1][q], q) for q in Q)
    return path[state],delta

def run_hmm(A, PI, discrete=False):
    states = []
    probs = []
    if discrete:
        Y = YtDiscrete
        Y = Yt
    for key,value in PI.iteritems():
    starting_state = np.random.choice(states,p=probs)
    prev_state = starting_state
    xt = [prev_state]
    yt = [Y(prev_state)]
    for t in range(1,T):
        state_tpm = A[xt[t-1]]
        row_states = []
        row_probs = []
        for key,value in state_tpm.iteritems():
        next_state = np.random.choice(row_states, p=row_probs)
    return {'xt': xt, 'yt': yt}

In [4]:
V = ['0','1','2','3','4','5']
Q = ['-1','0','1']
B0 = {}
for q in Q:
    B0[q] = {}
    for v in V:
        vi = int(v)
        B0[q][v] = b(vi, int(q))

A0 = {'-1': {'-1': 0.990 , '0': 0.005, '1': 0.005} , 
     '0': {'-1': 0.005 , '0': 0.990, '1': 0.005} , 
     '1': {'-1': 0.005 , '0': 0.005, '1': 0.990}}
PI0 = {'-1':1/3,'0':1/3,'1':1/3}

Part (a) [Code debug/check for discrete distribution]

In [5]:
V = Q
B0 = A0
for i in range(0,6):
    d = run_hmm(A0, PI0, discrete=True)
    xt = d['xt']
    yt = d['yt']
    plt.scatter(xt, yt, color=colors[i])
plt.title('Y v/s X for discrete distribution[Debug check plot]')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f93cbe691d0>
/home/saket/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: findfont: Font family [u'sans-serif'] not found. Falling back to Bitstream Vera Sans
  (prop.get_family(), self.defaultFamily[fontext]))

In [6]:
fig = plt.figure()
for i in range(0,6):
    d = run_hmm(A0, PI0, discrete=True)
    ax = fig.add_subplot(3,2,i+1)
    xt = d['xt']
    yt = d['yt']
    xtp, delta = viterbi(yt,PI0,A0,B0)
    plt.scatter(xtp, xt, color=colors[i])
    plt.subplots_adjust(hspace = .35)
    plt.title('Run {} Viterbi(X Predicted) vs Original(X) [Debug check]'.format(i+1))
    plt.xlabel("X Predicted")
    plt.ylabel('X Original')

Part (a) [Actual]

In [7]:
V = ['0','1','2','3','4','5']
Q = ['-1','0','1']
B0 = {}
for q in Q:
    B0[q] = {}
    for v in V:
        vi = int(v)
        B0[q][v] = b(vi, int(q))

A0 = {'-1': {'-1': 0.990 , '0': 0.005, '1': 0.005} , 
     '0': {'-1': 0.005 , '0': 0.990, '1': 0.005} , 
     '1': {'-1': 0.005 , '0': 0.005, '1': 0.990}}
PI0 = {'-1':1/3,'0':1/3,'1':1/3}

In [8]:
for i in range(0,6):
    d = run_hmm(A0, PI0, discrete=False)
    xt = d['xt']
    yt = d['yt']
    plt.scatter(xt, yt, color=colors[i])
plt.title('Y v/s X')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f93cbdb0250>

In [9]:
fig = plt.figure()
for i in range(0,6):
    d = run_hmm(A0, PI0, discrete=False)
    ax = fig.add_subplot(3,2,i+1)
    xt = d['xt']
    yt = d['yt']
    xtp, delta = viterbi(yt,PI0,A0,B0)
    plt.scatter(xtp, xt, color=colors[i])
    plt.subplots_adjust(hspace = .35)
    plt.title('Run {} Viterbi(X Predicted) vs Original(X)'.format(i+1))
    plt.xlabel("X Predicted")
    plt.ylabel('X Original')

Part (b)

In [15]:
for i in range(0,6):
    d = run_hmm(A0, PI0)
    xt = d['xt']
    yt = d['yt']
    alp = alpha_pass2(yt,A0,B0,PI0)
    alpha = alp['alpha']
    c = alp['c']
    sumlogc = sum([log(x) for x in c])
    prob = (-sumlogc)
    print(' Run {}  log P(O|lambda) = {}'.format(i+1, prob))

 Run 1  log P(O|lambda) = -1846.46897755
 Run 2  log P(O|lambda) = -1889.32552012
 Run 3  log P(O|lambda) = -1861.71821553
 Run 4  log P(O|lambda) = -1730.39971565
 Run 5  log P(O|lambda) = -1676.97025488
 Run 6  log P(O|lambda) = -1870.45855227

Part (c)

In [11]:
import operator
fig = plt.figure()

for i in range(0,6):
    d = run_hmm(A0, PI0)
    xt = d['xt']
    yt = d['yt']
    alp = alpha_pass2(yt,A0,B0,PI0)
    alpha = alp['alpha']
    c = alp['c']
    sumlogc = sum([log(x) for x in c])
    prob = (-sumlogc)
    beta = beta_pass2(yt,A0,B0,c)
    gamm = gamma_pass2(yt, A0, B0, c, alpha, beta)
    gamma = gamm['gamma']
    xtp = []
    for t in range(0,T):
        stats = gamma[t]
        ml = max(stats.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]
    ax = fig.add_subplot(3,2,i+1)    
    plt.scatter(xtp, xt, color=colors[i])
    plt.title('Run {} Viterbi(X Predicted) vs Original(X)'.format(i+1))
    plt.xlabel("X Predicted")
    plt.ylabel('X Original')

Part (e)

In [12]:
def restimate(gamma, gammaij, c ):
    pi1 = {i: gamma[0][i] for i in Q}
    Aest = {str(k):{} for k in Q}

    for i in Q:
        for j in Q:
            num = 0
            denom = 0
            for t in range(0,T-1):
                num = num + gammaij[t][i][j]
                denom = denom+ gamma[t][i]
            Aest[i][j] = num/denom
    Best = {k: {} for k in Q}
    for i in Q:
        for j in V:
            num = 0
            denom = 0
            for t in range(0,T):
                if yt[t] == j:
                    num = num + gamma[t][i]
                denom = denom + gamma[t][i]
            Best[i][j] = num/denom
    logP = -sum(log(x) for x in c)        
    return {'A': Aest, 'B': Best, 'logP': logP, 'PI': pi1}

In [22]:
def run_estimator(itera):
    d = run_hmm(A0, PI0)
    xt = d['xt']
    yt = d['yt']
    notconverge = True
    oldlogP = -10e6
    iters = 0
    Aest = {'-1': {'-1': itera/9 , '0': 1/2-itera/18, '1': 1-itera/18} , 
         '0': {'-1': 1/9 , '0': 7/9, '1': 1/9} , 
         '1': {'-1': 1/9 , '0': 1/9, '1': 7/9}}
    PIest = {'-1':1/3,'0':1/3,'1':1/3}
    Best = {}
    for q in Q:
        Best[q] = {}
        for v in V:
            vi = int(v)
            Best[q][v] = 1/6

    while notconverge and iters<300:
        iters +=1
        alp = alpha_pass2(yt,Aest,Best,PIest)
        alpha = alp['alpha']
        c = alp['c']
        beta = beta_pass2(yt,Aest,Best,c)
        gamm = gamma_pass2(yt, Aest, Best, c, alpha, beta)
        gamma = gamm['gamma']
        gammaij = gamm['gammaij']
        restimated = restimate(gamma, gammaij, c )
        Aest = restimated['A']
        Best = restimated['B']
        PIest = restimated['PI']
        logP = restimated['logP']
        #print(iters, logP)
        if oldlogP < logP and iters<1000:
            oldlogP = logP

            #print iters
            for q in Q:
                string +="[{} {} {}]\n".format(aq['-1'],aq['0'],aq['1'])
            print 'A:=', string
            for q in Q:
                string +="[{} {} {} {} {}]\n".format(aq['0'],aq['1'],aq['2'],aq['3'],aq['4'],aq['5'])
            print 'B=', string
            string = "["
            for q in Q:
                string += "{} ".format(PIest[q])
            print 'PI=', string


for i in range(1,6):
    print '\n\n*****Run {} *********\n'.format(i)

*****Run 1 *********

A:= [0.246924391174 0.0220290077434 0.731046601083]
[0.418139931836 0.282124884073 0.299735184091]
[0.118850384709 0.061229769756 0.819919845535]

B= [0.380563726785 0.000216558825213 0.0276147614056 7.05496793455e-63 0.591604952984]
[0.315304067095 0.369725193723 0.245241318991 1.76886394822e-05 0.0697117315511]
[0.14120994526 0.256276354334 0.234884828422 0.187996414293 0.133903531468]

PI= [0.135684181842 0.324049542843 0.540266275316 ]

*****Run 2 *********

A:= [0.051086077401 0.029376092532 0.919537830067]
[0.449080026465 0.244528379787 0.306391593748]
[0.139119365859 0.0502723278929 0.810608306249]

B= [0.37945918045 0.00196914955032 0.0519365709647 0.0 0.566635099035]
[0.44823827302 0.352883348462 0.174211468739 8.34781698752e-07 0.024666074997]
[0.144 0.258 0.235 0.185 0.133]

PI= [4.45353079512e-65 1.26607471232e-15 1.0 ]

*****Run 3 *********

A:= [0.221869219366 0.255178924529 0.522951856104]
[0.0626076205707 0.795140814661 0.142251564768]
[0.133523430455 0.0655909023947 0.800885667151]

B= [0.373356712379 0.0199627858071 0.160497210519 7.31118585611e-34 0.446183291295]
[0.307118213382 0.402548347775 0.210460169493 1.48650927454e-05 0.0798584042569]
[0.139374322715 0.254342964686 0.235735962739 0.190170543312 0.134118409379]

PI= [0.434796442358 0.454481599817 0.110721957824 ]

*****Run 4 *********

A:= [0.14571164866 0.0604248785041 0.793863472836]
[0.187944892893 0.481572286838 0.330482820269]
[0.120369090262 0.0656377267687 0.813993182969]

B= [0.441249099909 0.0918551989109 0.206087173668 3.50493625893e-24 0.260808527512]
[0.286901888705 0.422916348017 0.241027063006 6.94675172818e-07 0.0491540055975]
[0.141089569037 0.256093161618 0.234995443484 0.188198035974 0.133845886805]

PI= [0.731062390141 0.109081156145 0.159856453714 ]

*****Run 5 *********

A:= [0.42354834884 0.0157225158956 0.560729135264]
[0.386931776837 0.355568325365 0.257499897798]
[0.123966758994 0.0359238184775 0.840109422528]

B= [0.473601220716 0.134408154015 0.289270899904 1.23340321887e-16 0.102719725365]
[0.505470572708 0.272747610141 0.123472489574 1.7936631235e-07 0.0983091482104]
[0.144 0.258 0.235 0.185 0.133]

PI= [7.09110528871e-34 7.25267261311e-18 1.0 ]

In [ ]:

In [ ]: